“Business as usual” must not be accepted, tolerated, or maintained by Tennessee’s network of churches known as the Tennessee Baptist Convention.  The cultural challenges and Great Commission opportunities demand more,…

On Wednesday, June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that married, same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits and, by declining to decide a case in California, effectively allowed same-sex…

Eight Steps Leading to a Giving Pattern to Match Great Commission Passion Step 1:  Get Honest.  “Reported baptisms have declined six of the last eight years with 2012 the lowest…

Because of the urgent Kingdom opportunities and needs laying at the feet of every fully devoted follower of Christ, and at the doorsteps of every local church, a clear and…

On June 1, the Mission Mobilization Center will be dedicated in Mt. Juliet.  The MMC will be a 30,000 + square foot facility used for disaster response coordination and housing…

Marco…….Polo does not live in any swimming pool.  He lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  And get this:  he is a pastor.  Not just any pastor, but a bi-vocational, Paul-like, church-planting,…

I had the privilege of preaching at Manley Baptist Church this past Sunday.  Manley was planted in Morristown a little more than 50 years ago.  Dr. Richard Emmert has been…

“The very best place for us to be is in the center of God’s will.”  Keep that fresh in the front of your mind.  Go back to it over and…

“Eagles don’t flock, you find them one at the time” (Ross Perot). Perot’s observation  is correct, yet if you came by the Tennessee Baptist Convention Conference  Center in Brentwood a…

Andy Andrews was finishing his tenure as a member of the Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Board at the time God was moving me into the position of Executive Director.  Andy…

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