By Matt Tullos
Special Assistant to the Exec. Dir., TBMB
Note: This story is available on video, but feel free to use this story in your church communications to share the power of cooperation.
Three farmers in Tennessee went out to farm. All three farmers made the most of their field and their fields produced a great harvest. But the first farmer was a bit shortsighted. He kept all his harvest as well as the seeds for the coming years at home. So, while he kept the farm going, the impact he had was limited. Very limited.
The second farmer looked beyond his own farm to three other farms. One in a village in Africa, the second a neighboring state and another in Canada. He’d go visit them every now and then to see their progress. But that’s about all he had time to give and go by all alone.
Now it gets personal. Where are the seeds from your church going? The truth is, many churches spread their resources to only a few places. Others’ influence barely make it beyond the walls of their church building. When your church gives through the Cooperative Program, you are impacting, not thousands, but millions of people in Tennessee, North America and around the world! You are pouring resources into evangelism, hunger and disaster relief, church planting, international missions, educating ministers, ending human trafficking, protecting the unborn, and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Let’s celebrate it together. We have lots of resources to help you promote and inform your church about all they are doing through their generosity.
The fields are ready for harvest. If your church gives through the Cooperative Program you are part of a Co-Op that works!