“The very best place for us to be is in the center of God’s will.” Keep that fresh in the front of your mind. Go back to it over and over again. It’s not about being where you want to be, but it’s about being where God wants you to be and being faithful where He’s placed you.”
David Landrith – 2009 TBC Pastor’s Conference
I had only been in the position of TBC Executive Director for a few days in 2010 when I got a call from David Landrith. He wanted to come and see me the following Monday morning. Knowing that Monday is recovery day for most pastors, and David was preaching multiple services in multiple locations, I strongly offered to come to Hendersonville, but David insisted on coming to see me in my office in Brentwood. The primary reason for David’s visit was simple. David just wanted to speak a word of encouragement into my life as I made the transition from the pastorate into this new leadership position. It was a Barnabas moment where David practiced pouring encouragement into my life
Now is the time I would like to call on Tennessee Baptists to return the favor. David was diagnosed two weeks ago with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. He is now preparing to have a very extensive and difficult surgery in an attempt to remove the cancer on Thursday, March 21. Let’s fill David’s life with a boat load of Barnabas Moments.
Instead of taking a trip to Hendersonville to encourage Pastor David and the 9,000 members of Long Hollow Baptist Church, I would ask you to take a journey to the very throne of God and intercede for David, his precious family, and the fellowship at Long Hollow. It is obvious that God has had His hand on David as a visionary leader for a long time. Now our brother is going through a storm, and he desires to be in the place where he can bring more people to the Heavenly Father. As he indicated in 2009, the greatest place to be is in the center of God’s will even if it means going through days that are difficult. Thank you for praying for Pastor David.
It is a joy to be on this journey even when it takes an unexpected turn.
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