The headlines of USA Today for this morning, Monday, October 29 read, “Millions brace for worst of monster storm Sandy.” Sandy will be hitting the most densely populated part of the United States, affecting up to 60 million people. Not only will there be floods and high winds over an extended period of time, this storm will produce record-breaking snowfall including blizzard warnings for higher elevations of the Appalachians. According to USA Today, Sandy is the biggest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic with its clouds extending some 2,000 miles from Canada to Florida. The storm has already taken the lives of more than 60 people in the Caribbean. By the time this is printed in the Baptist & Reflector, we will know the full impact of this “perfect storm.” Today, we have already sent checks to the state conventions of Maryland/Delaware, New England, New York, and Pennsylvania/South Jersey. Tennessee Disaster Relief has been given the responsibility for assisting in relief efforts with the Baptist Convention of New England.
This storm will produce an unprecedented opportunity for Southern Baptists to be the hands and feet of Jesus. My hope is that we will coordinate our efforts across Tennessee to respond as rapidly as possible, as completely as possible, and to look at this as a long-term commitment.
A special account named Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Fund has been set up. These funds will assist a state network of churches responding to our sister churches in the areas that are anticipated to be devastated by the impact of this monster storm.
It is a joy to be on this mercy ministry journey with you.
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