This year we will be gathering for Prayer Rallies in all 95 Tennessee Counties beginning this week. What do we hope will be accomplished by such a challenging endeavor?

1. Revival. Every great spiritual awakening has started with a few people desperately seeking God. While a brief prayer meeting at a county courthouse may not have that kind of direct result, perhaps The Lord will be pleased to use our small gatherings to birth prayer pockets of people who’ll meet on a regular basis to seek Him.  And perhaps the rallies will affirm such groups already meeting.  And out of those passionate times God will pour out His Spirit on our communities, towns and cities in a manner that radically transforms our culture for His glory.

2. At these rallies the opportunity will be seized to pray for, and express appreciation to pastors and public servants. Sharing a word of gratitude is always a powerful tool of encouragement to those that serve.

3. Draw attention to the unreached millions of Tennesseans that do not know Christ as Savior and Lord. Our hearts must be thoroughly broken for our lost neighbors as well as the lost nations.

4. Personally, I’m praying The Lord uses this journey to continue to burden my already burdened heart for Tennessee.  These days demand that we are “crucified with Christ” and live ONLY unto Him for Great Commission impact.

5.  We will have to opportunity to visit with hundreds of our Pastors. We will be learning from them, hearing about their vision, and simply hanging out with these heroes.

6. To spend quality time with every Director of Missions/Associational missionary on the turf of the Associations they serve. Our DOMs are the closest to the “front lines” of the Great Commission work of our vast network of churches in Tennessee.

7. To personally see every corner of the wonderful state we call “home” and in doing so, meet hundreds of Tennessee Baptists faithfully serving The Lord through their local churches.

I look forward to praying with you during 2014.  For a schedule of the Praying Across Tennessee Rallies, go to  HYPERLINK “” .

It is a joy to be with you on this journey!


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