By Randy C. Davis President and executive director, TBMB You know it well if you are a Vacation Bible School alumnus. “I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word….

By Randy C. Davis President & Executive Director, TBMB The pursuit of God’s preferable future for Tennessee Baptists is gaining momentum. Tennessee Baptists began a journey 15 months ago to…

By Randy C. Davis President & Executive Director, TBMB Ever been to Disney World? Surely you have. Virtually everyone has gone at some point. One of the highlights for me…
By Matt Tullos Special Assistant to the Exec. Dir., TBMB Jeff, a young entrepreneur, reluctantly accepted the call of deacon. He said, “I don’t think I am qualified, I don’t…
Dear Tennessee Baptists, Every personality profile evaluation I have ever taken identifies a particular character trait that is confirmed by my wife, family, friends, everyone I’ve worked with and by…
It is a heavy blow when God determines to bring to light that which is hidden in the shadows. Sometimes the Body of Christ must bear the weight of His…
I always love going home. The beauty astounds me. I grew up on the Alabama Gulf Coast and love it. But it’s a little more than just loving it, it’s in…