Have a desire to see people come to know Jesus Christ?

Want to see your church grow?

Want to mobilize your entire church to reach your community for Jesus Christ?

Want to provide a unique discipleship experience for both kids & volunteers?

VBS can help you do ALL these things & more!


  • 25% of Baptisms reported by SBC come from VBS.
  • Every 1 person trained in VBS results in 1.1 salvation decisions.
  • Increase prospects from community.

Please Report Your VBS Results

Before you turn the page on VBS 2024, would you please take 60 seconds to report your VBS? All you have to do is go to and fill in each of the required fields. Please complete the report regardless of the curriculum used. This info helps us to better serve your church and to celebrate what God has done in Tennessee and around the world!

Backyard Kids Club


Multiply the impact of your VBS! Backyard Kids Club is a way for churches to take VBS outside their church and into your community.