Mental Health First Aid Training for Adults

The Church at Sugar Creek 3400 E Mitchell St, Humboldt, TN, United States

Mental Health First Aid for Adults is an 8-hour training that teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, psychosis, and...


TN Baptist Fellowship of the Blind Retreat

Carson Springs Baptist Conference Center 1120 Carson Springs Rd., Newport, TN, United States

At the Tennessee Baptist Fellowship of the Blind Retreat, information is shared on how to help churches minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the vision impaired, how the...

Off the Grid – Rocky Mountains (waiting list only)

Denver, CO Denver, CO, United States

The Off the Grid Rocky Mountain trip is a opportunity for those that have some backpacking experience. We will fly into Colorado Springs on July 30th. We will spend one...


WMU Christmas in August

Statewide TN, United States

Every year WMU and the North American Mission Board partner to select missionaries who will be featured in Christmas in August. These missionaries provide a list of items they need...

Mental Health First Aid Training for Adults

Knox County Association of Baptists 7709 Westland Dr, Knoxville, TN, United States

Mental Health First Aid for Adults is an 8-hour training that teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older,...


Tennessee Collegiate Day of Prayer

Statewide TN, United States

As our TN BCMs promote this Day of Prayer, TN Baptists are encouraged to pray for campus ministers, college students, and university faculty.

Baptist & Reflector Day

Statewide TN, United States

Churches that don’t provide papers for their members can order free copies of the B&R. This is an excellent way to let your members see what the B&R is all...

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