Too often pastors develop an “old cowboy” mentality where they feel they need to “stay in the saddle” at all costs. Unfortunately, too many church goers feel their pastors should…

Great Commission work is like having a balanced diet and Acts 1:8 is the recipe. You know the recipe: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…

Dear Tennessee Baptists, Every personality profile evaluation I have ever taken identifies a particular character trait that is confirmed by my wife, family, friends, everyone I’ve worked with and by…

It is a heavy blow when God determines to bring to light that which is hidden in the shadows. Sometimes the Body of Christ must bear the weight of His…

Here’s a riddle for you. What do a banker, a contractor, an elementary teacher, a chemist, an engineering professor and a farmer all have in common? Answer: They are all…

The most gut-wrenching and soul-devastating site in the world is seeing women militantly demanding the right to kill their unborn babies. I was reminded of this last week when I…

There have been some excellent Bible teachers over the last 100 years. Without reservation, I count the late Dr. Ron Dunn as one of them. He was filled with the…

You may be overrun with Christmas activities and see a busy 2019 blowing in like a thunderstorm racing across a Kansas prairie. Last minute gifts, parties, travel to be with…

Time passes, transitions happen, and generations come and go, but I pray we as Southern Baptists never lose the missionary spirit of Charlotte Digges “Lottie” Moon. Lottie Moon stood no…

In 1873, a young Dwight L. Moody stood in the vestry of a Baptist church in Dublin, Ireland, talking with Henry Varley, an influential British revivalist preacher. During the course…

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