On Wednesday, June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that married, same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits and, by declining to decide a case in California, effectively allowed same-sex marriage there. With the decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act as well as California’s Proposition 8, the highest court in our land has affirmed gay marriage. In the words of SBC President, Fred Luter, “Nothing is politically right if it is biblically wrong.”
These decisions handed down this week, as well as the recent policy change by the Boy Scouts of America, are clear indicators of the spiritual climate of our culture, and a stark reflection of the spiritual darkness of our society.
How shall we respond?
Should we be fearful or faithful?
Should we be aggressively angry or convictionally compassionate?
Should we march militantly or take a strong stand mercifully?
Do we respond in Christ-likeness or react legalistically?
Allow me to suggest three courses of action:
PRAY WITH BROKENNESS. There have been calls all across our country to make this Sunday a day of prayer for our nation. II Chronicles 7:14 has never been more relevant and applicable than today. A dramatic God-focused, heart-breaking, sin-confessing, Christ-exalting, spiritual awakening is the only hope of our nation. That kind of event does not begin with a pagan culture, but with passionate Christians.
See excellent post by Don Biser at
PREACH WITH CLARITY, CONVICTION, AND COMPASSION. Marriage between a man and a woman is God’s idea—any alternative perversion is birthed in the wicked heart of man. We must lift up with certainty the plain, biblical precept of marriage. We must teach and equip a young generation biblical standards. What the world is throwing at our children and grandchildren is a tsunami of ungodliness. We cannot imagine (not that we want to try) where all we are experiencing in our present culture is going to lead. Perhaps, Romans 1 gives us some indication.
See excellent posts by Russell Moore at
and by Lonnie Wilkey at
PRESS ON WITH JOY. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify the Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:17). We who are fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ have been tasked with both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission by our Commander in Chief. Hospitality and graciousness must be the door through which we point people to The Cross who are coming out of any “alternative lifestyle,” be it homosexuality, adultery, addiction, gossip, hatred, pornography, etc., etc. We can choose to be angry at what’s happening around us that is anti-everything we hold dear in our culture, or we can choose to point people to the answer that is Jesus Christ.
We can have real joy in the middle of a sad and sin-sick society because of the grace and mercy that we have experienced firsthand. The Eternal Hope we possess is non-perishable.
We can be confident knowing that our Savior, Jesus Christ, still reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
See excellent post by Ed Stetzer at
Read His Holy Word…WE WIN!
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