Learn More about the history and impact of Carson Springs and Linden Valley here:


Your giving equips Tennessee Baptist Conference Centers to build the facilities needed to serve the growing needs of Tennessee Baptist churches. Thank you for partnering with us in creating a place for Tennessee Baptists to continue to be reached for Christ.

Giving Options

To donate WITHOUT setting up an account:

  1. Click Donate Now button
  2. Click on “Quick Give”
  3. Enter Amount
  4. Select desired designation from drop-down box
  5. Enter card and contact information
  6. Click on Submit

To donate by check:

  1. Click Donate Now button
  2. Click on “Use Check” located at the top right of the screen.
  3. Enter Amount
  4. Select desired designation from drop-down box
  5. Add your bank account information
  6. Click “Authorize” to submit donation

To setup an account for current and future donations:

  1. Click Donate Now button and click on on “First Time”
  2. Input name, address, and other contact information
  3. Create password which must be at least 8 characters and contain a combination of letters and numbers
  4. After submitting, you will go to the screen where you can put in your card or bank information

To donate as a church:

  1. Download this PDF.
  2. Follow the instructions to ensure that your church is properly credited for the donation.